This is my third post on the subject of command retardation. My initial posts focused on the tactical issue of firefighters overstepping the call standard and firefighter safety, which is covered next. This time around I want to focus on the tactical issue of firefighters performing rote activities with little thought toward the outcome, and instead focus on the psychological aspect of battle. I will start by saying that regardless of your personal experience, the routine and basic assumptions you make about certain aspects of firefighter behavior, no one can replicate.
The result is that firefighters become accustomed to performing the tasks they routinely do, almost as if they were rehearsed dozens of times. Even though you may not be getting the results you are expecting, at the end of the day, the firefighter is the same. The difference is that someone is paying attention and not all of the alarms have been sounded.
If you expect your department to perform on a routine basis, well most do. But if you expect them to perform on a regular basis based upon predictable performance, you are behind. The other thing you need to realize is that some of the things you train on, will come out in training.
Disclaimer: The preceding content was generated by an AI algorithm, trained on millions of points of data scoured from the web. It is constantly updating itself, but while some of the information presented in this article may be true, none of the facts have been verified.