Youre an officer. This is not a drill. This is serious business. These are not hobbyick words.

These are not excuses for getting a jump start. These are requirements to becoming an officer. You have to be serious about your job and your pledge.

If you think these requirements will stop you, you are wrong. These requirements are there to make sure that the Chief of the Department understands what we are trying to do when we respond to alarms, what we do when we respond to incidents, and that our first alarm is prepared for whatever happens. If you think those requirements will stop you, you are also wrong.

These requirements are there to make sure that the Chief of the Department understands what we are trying to do when we respond to alarms, what we do when we respond to incidents, and that our first alarm is prepared for whatever happens. The second part of that statement is that of the Chief of Department, every detail is important. Everything. Omake sure you read the directive before you make a change.

It explains what is expected of the FD and why. If you dont understand that, then you are in the wrong job.

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