Dec. 11, 2013, Toronto Its always good when likeminded people get together and do something big.This year, I think the university community will look to have 50 or so instructors take part in the program, which will in turn create 150 or so placements across the province.This will be a onemonth pilot project with a focus on increasing the number of instructors on the teaching staff and increasing the size of the course offerings.

The information youre about to read comes from the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs regional planning group, which released its report on the landscape of fire prevention in Ontario earlier this month.The report, Firefighters and Inmates, Highway Loss and Injury, was tabled in the legislature last week, a timely piece of work that weighed in on various contentious issues affecting firefighters, including minimum training, transfer to fulltime, bid structures, jurisdictional issues, and thin blue line theory.

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