In a study of firefighter behavioral health the fire service has a responsibility to educate the public and policymakers about the magnitude of the problem and the predictability of conditions in the fire service. While there are no hard statistics on the subject there are some important points that can be shared and reinforced. First, the fire service must take responsibility for providing a highquality education about the dangers of behavior that will, if allowed to continue, damage the lives of firefighters and civilians. It is the responsibility of the fire service to provide those who are in a position to learn from the events of the past, to prevent another from happening.
There is no other occupational disease with comparable virulence and extent, and the fire service is no exception. Two examples of this are the asbestos fire and brain damage. Like asbestos, the fire damage can be physical, genetic, and inhalant. Physical damage results from the building materials in which the building was constructed.
The genetic damage can be physical as well as the inhalant in the smoke, which is much more prevalent in fires in apartments and other attached structures. The physical damage can be caused by asbestos that has been burned in the fire, or wood that has been cut and burned to generate electricity. The genetic damage is much more prevalent in fires in apartments and similar attached structures.
The second example is the diesel engine. While diesel engines produce more smoke and more fire, they do not pose the same degree of health risk to firefighters as asbestos does.
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