2. The 3rd Alarm was for a commercial structure fire with a report of people inside. The first due truck, E24 was on the box alarm. Thats all I know for sure.

Please let me know what you think. Lloyd Mitchell I am a big fan of Instragram LloydMitchell, who Im joined by his daughter and fellow traveler Lucy. I was on the box alarm when this happened.

My heart sank upon hearing the news. How could your crew, Battalion Chief Matt Okam, get through to people like that? Where are you, Dad? Why are you here? What is your plan? These people need help, fast. This is not a drill. This is not like being at a fire in the city and seeing a tweet.

This is not like being to a brush fire in the suburbs and seeing a Facebook post. This is far far far far far far far far far far far away from your hometown and far away from your department. Add the years of missed training and funerals of brothers and sister anddays and months of lost pay, and its hard to comprehend how far away these fires are.

Its also hard to fathom the response times.

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