BANGALORE, INDIANAPOLIS In the middle of the night early one morning in December of 2011, B.C. firefighterparamedic Wayne Jasper ran out of air after pulling a ceiling fan into a commercial building. He had found himself lost and was beginning to lose hope that someone would find him.

Jay Nixon, the current fire chief in Victoria, Ont., had heard about Jasper’s predicament and was determined to have him off the ventilator. So he called on the nearby chief and asked him to find him a way to get Jasper out.

The chief reported finding Jasper on the third floor and adding that he had lost all his personal effects including his wallet and cell phone. A little after 0200 A.M.

, things began to get worse for Jasper. He reported to the hospital exhausted and beat up after a 24hour shift. By about 0305 A.

M., Jasper was placed in bed of pickup truck and loaded into an ambulance for treatment. An hour later, doctors at the hospital said they had ceased breathing and pronounced Jasper dead.

According to the B.C. Coroners Office, Jasper was 19 years old the night of the fire.

He had suffered severe smoke inhalation and nasal congestion from smoke inhalation, and had difficulty breathing. The chief of the department said at the inquest that Jasper had told his commanding officers that he was trapped in a bathroom and that his only option was to jump from the truck.

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