There are times that being a firefighter means more than fighting fires or going to work. It means that you get to know people, and at the Firemans Fund FireWalk Boston Boston Firemen FireFund Boston fundraiser on Saturday June 2nd marked the second anniversary of the marathon fivealarm fire that killed six firefighters. The first was on April 14th, 2006, when a working fire in a vacant condominium building claimed the lives of six firefighters.

Boston Fire Department The Boston Fire Department has been a champion of fire safety and response since Day 1 of the City of Boston Firefighters Local Fire Assistance Program. The City of Boston Firefighters Local Fire Assistance Program was established in 1986 to provide fire and emergency services to lowincome and homeless civilians in the wake of the Yom Kippur War. The department has specialized fire battalions that respond to and support the incident command and operate the public fire prevention and rescue efforts. The department has three highrise fire battalions, two of which are located in the heart of the city.

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