On Friday, 19 November, members of the Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs, the OAFCs sister group in Alberta, stopped by the firehouse inyes, inVictoria, for a health and safety seminar. Yes, a recruiter from the American Red Cross helped organize the event, which was cohosted by Public Safety Canada and Community Safety Canada.The Ontario Association of Fire Chiefs is the largest volunteer fire service organization in the province, with more than 25,000 members.

It representsOntario firefighters in 33 provinces. The seminar, which was held in Victoria, was short on details but damn impressive.Dave Nodwell, the deputy chief in Brandon, arranged for accommodation and transportation of mostly highprofile speakers including interim fire chief Glen Selkirk, who has taken the job at the top level at the OAFC Ontario regional office, and interim chief Dan Miller, who writes for our sister publication the Canadian Firefighter.

Perhaps the most intriguing speaker was interim fire chief Richard Boyes, whose recent hire to the OAFC from Interim in Halifax raised eyebrows in the fire service.

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