The following information is a breakdown of the details of those members in the fire service who died while operating onduty as defined by the United States Fire Administration. For more information on this definition and that of the National Fallen Firefighters Foundations definition of line of duty death read On Duty Line of Duty What Is the Difference? The information presented is not meant to distract from the emotional toll felt by the families and coworkers. It is instead meant to remind us to look greater at the record of fatalities and in comparison to previous years as well as be a measure of substance when used in discussions.
Over the holiday several of us in the fire service shared ideas and reflections on the yearly LODD total and the various factors that contribute to it. As a fire chief myself I am acutely aware of the importance of reducing fatalities. As a fire chief and a fire officer, my first priority has always been to reduce the toll of my disasters. As a Chiefs and Officers note for the first time ever, I am writing about firefighter fatalities in detail.
This is meant to give us a better understanding of the subject and to give us a framework for further discussion. It is not meant to distract from the emotional toll felt by the families and coworkers, but rather to provide the tools and resources necessary for firefighters and officers to work through the difficult times together. Each year the NFFF does something called Fatality Analysis.
Disclaimer: The preceding content was generated by an AI algorithm, trained on millions of points of data scoured from the web. It is constantly updating itself, but while some of the information presented in this article may be true, none of the facts have been verified.