There are a lot of philosophies on what it takes to be great. Here is the only issue I have found so far in my research into the term, The debates arent about the quality of the training but the requirement of a certain amount of knowledge, skills, and abilities. Quality is not an issue in my department.
The average age of our members is 53.8. Whether they are officers or noncommissioners, all feel the same about the department. The noncommissionership adds another level of accountability, participation, and participation in the department culture.
The average age of our members is 54.2. The youngest is 18 and the oldest is 58. Combined, these two years are the two with the greatest number of retirements, one with the largest number, one with the smallest number.
The fireground average age is 53.2. The youngest is 18 and the oldest is 58.
So, if you average the ages of our members together and subtract the two, the youngest is 18 and the oldest is 58, our youngest member is 58. The fireground average for January 26, 2006 was 54.2. The second youngest was 24 and the oldest was 58.
So, if you take the two numbers out of the above discussion, our fire department is currently below the average age of the comparably aged departments in the Southeastern US.
Disclaimer: The preceding content was generated by an AI algorithm, trained on millions of points of data scoured from the web. It is constantly updating itself, but while some of the information presented in this article may be true, none of the facts have been verified.