A building fire on the third floor went to threealarms and was acting as a triple fire at the time the crews arrived. The first due engine, E10, arrived to find smoke coming from the top of the building. It was a smoke investigation that was taken care of by Haz Mat crews and a few small fires were opened up as a result.
The victims area was not heavily damaged by the fire and there were not many people on the fire floor at the time of arrival. The second due engine, E10, arrived and did a good job. He doused the fire in a room at the top of the building and it was taken care of by the Haz Mat crews.
The third engine, E12, arrived and did a good job as well. He called for a second alarm based on the smoke conditions that were reported from the first due engine. Triple fire was reported from the third floor, second floor and the top floor.
The building was heavily damaged by fire and was not reinforced at the time of occupancy. The fire was fought with defensive operations and offensive operations. There were no confirmed injuries and all the victims were from the firstarriving companies.
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