The video of a house fire in Dunmore, Pennsylvania last week has garnered over 100,000 views since it was posted Jan. 19. The footage, of a house fire in a residential neighborhood, was posted to YouTube on Wednesday by a local news station. Local news reports that the house in the residential neighborhood is infested with rodents. The fire in question was reported to have started when a tenant reported in June smoke in the unit.
The tenant has since been removed and a new tenant was found. The new tenant proceeded to vent the odor in the unit and reports that there are rodents in the building. Neighbors of the house have since removed the new tenant and replaced him with a new tenant. The new tenant is currently sitting on the property while the investigation into the cause of the fire continues. The original tenant had been gone hours when a 911 call alerted the department to a similar odor in the building.
The result of the investigation will be a delay in the response. The Allegheny County Fire and Emergency Services Department has a message for those who think they are immune to the odor or fire that occurs when they enter an abandoned structure: Be aware that you are not immune from the odor and fire that occurs when you leave the structure. These odor and fire infests do not discriminate based on the size or condition of the structure. These infestations are based on speculation and there is no scientific evidence that proves this.
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