The Truck Follow the video on their Facebook page. PHOTOS from inside the fire building courtesy of Lloyd Mitchell Photography. Find us on Google Captain Anonymous Doesnt Ride Here Read our comment policy Bill Carey is the online public safety news and blog manager with PennWell Public Safety, or more specifically FireRescue, JEMS.

com, and Bill started in the fire service, as a third generation firefighter in 1986, on the eastern shore of Maryland and then continued after moving to Prince Georges County.

He served as a volunteer sergeant and lieutenant at Hyattsville. Bills writing has been on, Fire Engineering, FireRescue Magazine,, the Jones and Bartlett 2010 edition of Fire Officer Principles and Practice, The Secret List and Tinhelmet.

com. His recent writing on firefighter behavioral health was nominated for a 2014 Neal Award for Best SubjectRelated Series.

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