0 0 Deaths involving Disorientation 0 Deaths Involving Flashover, Backdraft, Explosive Incident 0 2 Victim slipped on ice while working at scene and not wearing helmet 0 2 One victim fell from roof of vacant structure while evacuating occupants Rapid Intervention 0 2 2 Victim was found unresponsive in firehouse 1 Victim became separated from other firefighters after reportedly falling through skylight 1 Victim fell through roof of vacant structure while evacuating occupants OutsideTheLine 0 2 1 Victim suffered cardiac arrest while evacuating occupants in vacant structure 1 Victim suffered cardiac arrest while evacuating occupants in vacant structure 1 Victim fell from roof of vacant structure while evacuating occupants Other 0 2 1 victim died several hours after responding to structure fire 1 Victim fell from roof of vacant structure while evacuating occupants Other 0 2 1 victim died within 24 hours of responding to structure fire 1 Victim fell from roof of vacant structure while evacuating occupants Average Age 44 Oldest 57 Youngest 21 Career 3 4 Volunteer 2 2 Nature of Death Burns 1 2 Crushed 1 2 Heart Attack 3 5 Not Stated 1 1 Other 0 1 Suicide 0 1 Cause of Death Burns 1 2 Crushed 1 2 Not Stated 1 1 Other 0 1 Suicide 0 1 Cause of Death Burns 1 2 Suicide 0 1 Victim died of injury sustained during training 1 Victim suffered cardiac arrest while exercising at firehouse 1 Victim fell ill on scene of structure fire

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